Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Day 30

“I was shaped for serving God.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 30

Yes, what an idea. God has made me and shaped me in such a way that I am prepared for the task that God has for me to do.

Yesterday has prepared me for today,
While today prepares me for tomorrow.

I call this subsequent culmination.

We talked about “The Call" of God on your life today in my Spiritual Formation class. “The Call” is for everyone, no simply pastors or missionaries. For most people it is more of a journey and a process then one life changing moment. There may be a moment but there are many more as well. For me it has been a series of moments each one important, each one preparing me for the next.

It is only in the end that we fully understand God’s Call and plan. So we must use the past to help us know the next step along the way.


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