Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Day 16

“Life is all about love.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 16

This is a fitting topic for reflection today. I am writing a research paper on a need in the church if it is to continue in the area of mission. The greatest need in the church and in the world is love. Our mission as a church is to embody love to the world.

In order to do this we must repent, everyone, every denomination, every group, every faction, every priest, preacher and layperson. We must repent of all the things that the church has done that has not conveyed the love of God to the world. We must repent of racism, sexism, our misuse of the environment, our support of war and violence, our support of slavery and oppression, everything that has not shown love.

We must be penitent. In the words of Indiana Jones, “Only the penitent man will pass.” A penitent man kneels before God (everyone else gets their head chopped off). We must remain in this penitent state. God opposes the proud. God uses the humble.

God is love, Jesus is the incarnation of love, and the church is to be the body of love. We must repent for every time we have failed to be love. Only then can we continue on the path toward God and fulfill the mission of God on earth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, so yeah, I stalk you. This is something that has weighed on me for a while. We use the word so flippantly (sp?) but show it so rarely. -- ellen

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In addition....I'm enjoying reading this, which, I realize is why you're writing it -- for my enjoyment. I like that you make me think! I'm ready to see you.

9:25 PM  

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