Sunday, November 06, 2005

Day 6

“This world is not my home.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 6

I have mixed feelings about this statement. On the one hand I totally agree that life is a temporarily assignment. We will die. Most of us will live maybe 100 years. I will live at least 150 years. But we will all die eventually. With this in mind, we can cherish the truly important things in life like relationships with family and friends. Who wants to live forever? The implications of living forever are that all the people that you love will pass away.

On the other hand this type of thinking if not properly balanced with a sense of responsibility for the continued future of our world here can lead to the misuse of our natural resources and a destruction of our environment for our children. As we have seen over the last 500 years. We may not be here forever but someone will. It is our duty to take care of our world. We are to be agents of redemption, for people and for our world, for the whole of creation.

Redemption is not simply for individual souls. Redemption is for the totality of creation. Therefore the care of our environment is as important as the care of souls.