Friday, November 25, 2005

Day 25

“There is a purpose behind every problem.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 25

This is a difficult concept for me to reason and to understand. It seems to me that it can lead to apathy and complacency if not properly understood.

There may in fact be a good that comes from the problem but that does not mean we should continue to live with the problem or to be a part of the problem.

Everyone makes mistakes,
It’s what you do with them that counts.

As “Christians” we should never be content to be a part of the problem simply because this world is temporary and “will pass away” (whatever that means).

We should be active in leading the way to fix the problem. In my experience the “world” seems to be leading the way and “Christians” seem to be in the way.

In fact Christians seem to contribute to most of the world’s problems today poverty, war, oppression, sexism, racism, pollution. It seems that all Christians care about is saving their individual souls and not saving God’s creation.

Why is it that scientists who believe in the “evil” theory of evolution care about protecting the environment and Christians who believe in “Intelligent Design” could care less?

Day 24

“The truth transforms me.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 24

I follow Jesus.

I gave my life to Jesus. Jesus is my Lord. It is my deepest desire to know Jesus and to do all that Jesus wants me to do.

I love Jesus. Jesus is alive.

But I would like to make one thing clear.

The Bible is not Jesus.

I do not worship the Bible. I do not follow the Bible. I did not give my life to the Bible. The Bible is not my Lord.

The Bible is not Jesus.

Everything that I get from the Bible must be interpreted through the lens of Jesus.

I eat pork. I like shrimp. I go to church on Sunday. I do not do everything the Bible says I should do. Nor do you. So unless you want to worship the Bible, let’s stop acting that we do.

I worship Jesus.

The Bible tells me about Jesus and about the God who is Jesus. The Bible is very important and deserves more respect then most people give it (including people who say they believe in the inerrancy of it). But the Bible that you can buy at Wal-Mart or even LifeWay is not Jesus.

Jesus is God’s Word. Jesus is the logos. Jesus is the truth and the life.

Please don’t worship anything else and call yourself a follower of Jesus (a.k.a. Christian).

If God thought the Bible was all we needed then why did Jesus have to show us what it meant?

Jesus is the truth and the truth will set you free.

Day 23

“It is never too late to start growing.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 23

I want to grow.

I always have.

I hope I always will.

I love to learn new things, to imagine new possibilities, to unlock the potential inside of me.

I think I am a teacher. So far in my life I have only been focusing on my own growth. But over the past few summers I have developed a desire to see others grow as well. I thought that everyone had a desire to grow and learn like I do but that, it seems, is not the case.

I can help.

It will be a difficult road to go down but in the end it is the only one I can choose. Even if I am not “successful” I must do it.

I must teach.

I must help others grow.