Friday, November 11, 2005

Day 11

“God wants to be my best friend.”
Purpose Driven Life
Point to Ponder: Day 11

I am not a good friend. I don’t even know how to begin to become a good friend. I spend most all my time alone in my own mind. I do like to spend time with other people, (in fact the reason this post is a day late is because I went to a party last night) but it takes a lot for me to be social. And most of the time I’m not. In all my relationships it is most always the other person that initiates the time we spend together.

I need to spend time with God. I spend a lot of time thinking about God but not being with God. I do not pray very often and I never really meditate on what God has to say to me. I need to develop those two skills.

God, help me to spend more time with you. Please develop our relationship beyond the intellectual. Intimacy on all levels is my desire.

Thank You.